Monday, July 24, 2017

Democrats need a "better" slogan

On Monday, July 24, 2017 the Townhall blog published an article titled The Democrat Rollout of New Slogan Went as Well as You'dExpect, Which Means Terribly

In this article, a collective twitter posts regarding to the democrat’s new slogan is presented with the attachment of the author’s negative commentary of the matter. I have to agree with the author in that the new slogan of the democratic party is quite awful. The article alluded that the democrats spent a substantial amount of money in order to take a poll for their new slogan which resulted in “A Better Deal: Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages” as their motto. The slogan sounds a bit cringey and seems that not much thought was put into defining the party as it is way too generic and vague. Its pretty ironic how liberals ridicule President Trump on his vocabulary when it’s obvious their party could use a thesaurus. A party’s slogan should represent the party’s ideals and giving a good sense of what the party is all about. Although the new slogan sends a positive message, it could have been worded “better”. The article was posted on a right leaning conservative blog called Townhall by Katie Pavlich. Being from a conservative blog, it was quite surprising and refreshing to see that the end of the article pulled back the punches on democrats and gave them credit for their plan of “taking a tougher approach” to telecom and cable companies. This professional curtesy between political parties is pretty rare and I have to commend and point out the author in pointing out the democrat’s virtue after jesting about their new motto. The audience of the article are primarily republicans and conservatives as this was posted in a right leaning blog. I could guess the purpose of the article is to take a light jab at democrats for their inferior slogan and to try to diverge the news from Trump who dominates the media with unfavorable coverage for the republican party.

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