Thursday, August 3, 2017

Liberals are to blame for Trump!

On Thursday, August 3, 2017, the Townhall published an article titled Left-Wing Silencers Are Addicted to Unhinged Outrage, Which OnlyHelps Trump

Guy Benson, the author of the article and the book End of Discussion, examines how a large part of Trump’s election is thanks to extreme liberals. Throughout the article he makes many references to his book as the source of evidence to his argument and mainly backs up his reasoning with personal presumptions and over generalizations based on singular cases.

Benson claims one of the largest factors of Trump’s presidency is that conservatives were sick of getting bullied by leftist’s political correctness allegations. Liberals were ending the discussion before they can even take place by putting conservatives in the wrong and taking their voice away. People voted for Trump for his refreshing demeanor on the media, saying whatever he wanted and getting away with it. People were tired of tiptoeing around sensitive topics and like the guy for his straight forward and blunt attitude.

I think Benson is right in a sense that political correctness has gone out of control. Although it is important to respect everyone it is equally important to have a discussion of why such derogatory terms are still being use and address the issue rather than crucify people for their slip ups and making it taboo to go near sensitive subjects. Censoring certain topics does the opposite effect of alleviating the situation as unspoken words are buried and bottled up instead of putting them in the open where we can evaluate and address the issue together.

However, Benson seems to be playing the blame game of pushing the responsibility of voting in Trump’s horrid administration on to liberals. It’s childish and unreasonable for Benson to blame liberals for his own political party’s actions as it is counterintuitive and only creates a bigger rift in the bipartisan divide. There is no doubt that President Trump was the nominated candidate of the Republicans by their own choosing and although it’s easy to try to push the blame on to other people and point fingers for their own actions, they need to take responsibility and realize the damage he’s done and the promises he’s broken. Instead of looking for someone to accuse we should be taking the first steps of closing the divide and coming up with ways of fixing the problem together. Perhaps Trump will make America great again and unite the nation as it’ll take both parties working together to correct the many mistakes he’s made.

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